Our world is on fire and businesses hold a significant key to addressing climate issues. In the business realm, there's a simple logic: you can only manage what you measure. Anna Alex and Benedikt Franke founded Planetly with the goal of empowering companies to accurately measure, understand and reduce their carbon emissions. Under Anna and Benedikt's leadership, Planetly swiftly became the leading Carbon Accounting Software in Europe serving over 350 business clients and employing a team of over 250 talented members. In 2021, they successfully sold the company to a U.S.-based firm.
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Founded in
Anna Alex
Benedikt Franke
Our Because
In 2019, when Anna and Benedikt founded Planetly, sustainability was not a major corporate focus. However, this perception underwent a significant shift in the subsequent years, with carbon emissions and reporting becoming crucial for businesses globally. Motivated by the desire to empower sustainability managers within companies to take decisive action against the climate crisis, the Planetly team aimed to change the narrative. Their goal was for businesses to view sustainability not as a limitation but rather as a creative force driving innovation and fostering positive growth.
Our How
The Planetly Team developed exceptional software designed to help businesses comprehend their emissions, both in their internal operations and throughout their supply chains. This software allows users to analyze logistics, production processes, and screen suppliers, empowering them to take informed steps toward reducing carbon footprint.
Let's talk!
Connect with Anna for keynotes, investment opportunities, or any big ideas.
Contact Anna